Uber did not have a duty to protect or warn based on a common carrier-passenger special relationship with women who were abducted and sexually assaulted by assailants posing as Uber drivers.
Cases of Interest
The reasonable medical probability standard for expert testimony applies only to the party bearing the burden of proof on the issue that is the subject of the opinion and the party without the burden of proof can suggest alternative causes, or the uncertainty of causation, to less than a reasonable medical probability.
During the voir dire procedure, a trial court has discretion to restrict the content of a brief opening statement or to disallow a brief opening statement if it contains objectionable matter, despite the phrase “shall allow a brief opening statement” in California Code of Civil Procedure section 225.5(d).
Impairments while recovering from surgery could qualify as a “disability” despite being short-term because there are no categorical temporal limitations for disabilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Drivers parking alongside freeways are not exempt from the duty of drivers to exercise ordinary care for others in their use of streets and highways.